Companies and consumers associated with the off-grid lighting market in sub-Saharan Africa have found that issues related to access to finance are often the biggest obstacles in the supply chain. Illuminating Africa recognizes the importance of funding in the project and is working to identify financing needs for stakeholders and to inform project members about relevant solutions and the latest developments in the appropriate financial products market.
Now, illuminate financing information, products and services that Africa is working to develop include:
1. Study the market's demand for financial products and potential markets, obtain a clear market, and share relevant information with fundraising partners on this basis.
2. Develop credit lines to support local supply chain financing based on local financial partners. Helping and supporting supply chains in the African market for commercial financing through the design and implementation of funding programs.
3. Providing equity financing to support companies in providing modern off-grid lighting; or through direct corporate finance, commercial seed capital or equity, enabling companies to produce, sell or finance modern off-grid lighting products to achieve innovation and expand market business models.
4. Develop and implement trade finance funds to support the import of modern lighting products or components. The trade finance mechanism for the development and operation of the African market will support importers and exporters in the trade of modern lighting products and components, helping to speed up the import of qualified products and modern lighting components.
5. Provide research and research opportunities to enable companies to obtain carbon credits through voluntary and compliance with carbon market programs. Develop a method for sub-Saharan Africa and a low-cost, cost-effective way to obtain carbon credits to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, replacing modern fuel-based lighting with modern lighting (focusing on light-emitting diodes) (eg , kerosene, candles).
6. Funding for innovative lighting products and delivery services. Through the commemoration of the African Development Market Competition from 07 to 08, we funded the innovation of 16 award-winning early stages; these innovations are aimed at building sustainable non-fossil fuel-based lighting projects in sub-Saharan Africa.
What is the illuminating African plan?
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